Tuesday 16 September 2014

The Escapists (Alpha Review)

The Escapists is a small indie game that is currently in Alpha state. It is available on Steam for £7.00 which reflects the size and scope of the game. This game is clearly not one of those triple A commercial monsters and is very much a niche title. However this is somewhat a positive trait because there are very little games out there that cater to the "Prison Escape" genre and that's what this game does.

In The Escapists you are a single prisoner in a maximum security prison and you're objective is to escape by any means possible. The game uses a bird's eye view and distinctive and quite attractive "Pokémon style" sprites.

Most of the early part of the game consists of the player learning the daily prison routine and improving some essential stats in a very "grindy" fashion, which can become very tiring. Once the player has raised these stats somewhat they should then start collecting tools for their escape plan. This is where the fun begins. This could mean they try and do favours for other inmates, such as finding a specific item, to gain money as a reward and then buy tools from those same inmates. It could also mean picking fights with inmates and even guards and stealing and stashing their valuables.
Many useful objects in the game are obtained from crafting certain items together which is a very satisfying and fun thing to do. There is something incredibly satisfying about making a duplicate jail cell key by pouring molten plastic into a putty mould and then using it to break out of your cell at night.

Of course your objective is to break out of the one prison map available so far in the game. But I found myself spending hours just improving my stats, getting important items and exploring the prison. Which has lead to me being shot by the guards several times but that only means a quick trip to the infirmary to patch up those fatal wounds. I so far have managed to use a screwdriver to unscrew and explore the vents above my cell and my next step is to try and make an outer door key duplicate, from one of the guards, to make my break for freedom!

In summary The Escapists scratches a very specific itch with the prison break genre. And although it isn't a very large project nor is it very far along in its development. It still provides a very enjoyable and addictive experience. Worth checking out if the concept excites you and you don't mind waiting until 2015 for a finished product.


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