Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Josh Rai Unit 66: 3D Modelling Exercise

Applications of 3D

Applications of 3D can be seen in numerous mediums in different industries. These include films, games, TV series, Visual effects, Product design and architectural design among others. The list is endless. Most of these mediums utilise 3D software for modelling. They create 3D visualisations that can then be used in their respective sectors whether it be on a big movie blockbuster or in an indie game.

Displaying 3D Polygon Animations

Application programming interface: API is a set of routines, protocols and tools for building software applications. A good API makes it easier to create a software application by providing the necessary and simple to use building blocks. Examples of API are Direct3D and OpenGL

Direct3D: Direct3D is an API for Microsoft Windows and is used to render 3D graphics. It is used for applications where performance is paramount such as video games. Direct3D uses hardware acceleration. Direct3D uses techniques such as Z buffering, W buffering, Stencil buffering, Spatial Anti-Aliasing, etc.

Graphics Pipeline: GP or Rendering pipeline refers to process of creating a 2D representation of a 3D scene. When a 3D scene is created GP is the process of turning that 3D scene into what the computer displays to the user. Examples of GP are OpenGL and DirectX.
Rendering Techniques:

Radiosity: Radiosity is a method of rendering based on a detailed analysis of light reflections off diffuse surfaces. The images that result from a radiosity rendering are characterized by soft gradual shadows.

Ray Tracing: In computer graphics, ray tracing is a technique for generating an image by tracing the path of light through pixels in an image plane and simulating the effects of its encounters with virtual objects.

Rendering Engines: A major requirement for any image data application is the ability to display images. In most applications, this is achieved by reading pixel data from a filesystem and then mapping the pixel data to the 256 grey level available on most computer display monitors. Because these operations can require many thousands of operations and must be displayed rapidly to support the display of time-lapse movies, most image display software applications use a high-speed graphics CPU and dedicated hardware for image rendering and display.

Distributed Rendering Techniques: or Parallel rendering is the application of Parallel programming to the computational domain of computer graphics. Rendering process’ deal with four major parts: frame distribution, pixel distribution, object distribution and hybrid distribution. Parallel rendering refers to the delegation of rendering process among many different files. This is necessary as in such media as video games there are many different files that must be rendered and loaded all at once such as objects in the environment. The engine must render multiple different models at once or else there will be significant visual blemishes during play. The two main types of Parallel rendering are performance scaling, which allows for frames to be rendered more quickly, and data scaling, which allows for larger sets of data to be visualised.

Lighting: Lighting refers to the ways that the 3d scene is lit. Different lighting can effect mood and atmosphere and will also affect the shadows displayed in the scene. Two commons lighting methods are Radiosity and Ray Tracing.

Textures: Textures are 2D graphics that are applied to a 3D model or mesh. It usually utilises a Bitmap or Raster image. The textures are wrapped around the 3D mesh and when coupled with lighting can give the illusion of extra detail or depth. Textures are mapped onto every model in the game engine, this includes characters, environments, foliage, etc.

Distance Fog: Distance Fog is used in video games to simulate distance. Objects that are further away often appear hazier or more distorted. This effect aims to replicate the effect of light scattering as objects get further away. This effect causes objects to appear lower in contrast which makes object’s colours appear drowned out.

Shadow Mapping: Shadow Mapping is the process of the game engine calculating where shadows should be cast according to the geometry of the shapes and the lighting. Depending on what engine is being used there could be a variety of different parameters that are taken into account when calculating shadowing. This could be things such as shadow sharpness, darkness or intensity of shadows, dynamic shadows, etc. An explanation of the process by Wikipedia reads “Shadows are created by testing whether a pixel is visible from the light source, by comparing the pixel to a z-buffer or depth image of the light source's view, stored in the form of a texture.”

Vertex and Pixel Shaders: A Pixel Shader is a GPU (Graphic Processing Unit) component that can be programmed to operate on a per pixel basis and take care of stuff like lighting and bump mapping.
A Vertex Shader is also GPU component and is also programmed using a specific assembly-like language, like pixel shaders, but are oriented to the scene geometry and can do things like adding cartoony silhouette edges to objects, etc.

Level of Detail: The level of detail of a scene refers to how much data or memory is being used to render a scene. If the level of detail, which is usually tied to file type and how many polygons there are, is too high then the computer running the engine may not be able to render said scene and may crash. Similarly if the level of detail is too low then this use less memory, but will result in a crude looking model. Often video games have several different iterations of the same model that are used at different distances to scale the level of detail. For example a high detail model would be used up close, but a low detail model would be used from far away.

Geometric theory:

 A point that describes the corners or intersections of a shape

A connection between two vertices 

When a group of vertices are connected to change the direction of a line

The outside lines and cures of an object, area, or surface.

A many-sided figures, with sides that are line segments.

A specific part of a shape or object, elements together make a mesh.

The surface of a shape.

Any of a set of basic geometric shapes which may be generated in computer graphics.

Meshes, for example wireframe.
Represent a geometric object as a set of finite elements.

Coordinate geometry (two-dimensional, three-dimensional)
Plotting points, lines and curves on an x and y axis for 2D, to add another dimension, plot depth on the z axis.

A continuous set of points that has length and breadth but no thickness.

Polygon count
The polygon count refers to the number of polygons being rendered per frame. The higher the number of polygons in a model the more detailed it is, but it takes up more memory and is harder to run.

File size
The amount of data inside a file. The more detailed the model, the higher the file size. If a file is large it is going to be difficult to store and move between devices.

Rendering time
The time it takes to generate an image from a 2D or 3D model.

Mesh construction

Box modelling:
Box modelling is a technique used in 3D modelling where the user makes use of a primitive shape, such as a cube, and manipulates it to construct the basic outline of the final model. From this basic shape, the user will be able to further sculpt the mesh into the final model.

Extrusion modelling:
This technique of 3D modelling is also sometimes referred to as inflation modelling. The basic concept is to take a 2D mesh and sculpt it to match a reference image within the software. From this 2D sculpt, the user will then extrude the mesh into 3D with the help of a second reference image, sculpting the mesh to match. This method of modelling has proved common when sculpting faces and heads.

3D development software


3Ds Max:
3Ds Max is a 3D computer development program used for making 3D animations, models, games and images. It is developed and produced by Autodesk media and entertainment.

·         Polygon, Spline and NURBS –based modelling
·         Advanced texturing toolset
·         Enhanced ShaderFX
·         OpenSubdiv support
·         Easy to use placement tools

Similar to 3Ds Max, Maya is also a 3D computer graphics software. The program is used to create video games, animated films, TV series and visual effects. Maya was previously owned by Alias System’s corporation, however is now owned and produced by Autodesk media and entertainment.

·         Polygon and subdivision mesh modelling
·         3D Type
·         New sculpting toolset
·         Surface modelling
·         UV toolset
This will be the main software that we will be using as we have easy access to the software both in and out of college. The software is also the most helpful and efficient at creating the models we need.

Lightwave is a 3D computer graphics tool developed by NewTek. It has been used to create a huge variety of mediums including that of films, TV series, motion graphics, digital matte painting, visual effects, video games, product design, architectural visualizations, virtual production, music videos, pre-visualizations and advertising.

·         Polygon and subdivision modelling
·         Surface modelling
·         Zbrush GOZ Support
·         Unity Game engine support
·         Autodesk Geometry Cache support

AutoCAD is a commercial software application for 2D and 3D computer-aided design (CAD. Hence Auto”CAD”) and drafting. AutoCAD is developed and produced by Autodesk media and entertainment. The software is used across a range of industries such as architects, graphic designers and project managers among others.

·         Coordination modelling
·         Reality computing
·         Surface curve extraction tool

Cinema 4D:
CINEMA 4D is a 3D modeling, animation and rendering application developed by MAXON Computer GmbH. The software is capable of procedural and polygonal/subdiv modelling, animating, lighting, texturing, rendering, and common features found in 3D modelling applications.

·         Flexible sculpting tools/Integrated sculpt system
·         Mirroring and masking
·         Mesh projection

File formats

.3ds: Native file format used by Autodesk’s 3Ds Max. It is a binary file format.
.mb: Similar to .3ds for 3Ds Max, .mb is the file format native to Autodesk’s Maya. This file format, believe it or not, is also binary.
.lwo: A .lwo file is the file extension used for a LightWave 3D Object File, developed by NewTek.
.c4d: A .c4d file is a Cinema 4D Model File developed by MAXON.

Plug-ins: In computing, a plug-in (or add-in / addin, plugin, extension or add-on / addon) is a software component that adds a specific feature to an existing software application. When an application supports plug-ins, it enables customization. The common examples are the plug-ins used in web browsers to add new features such as search-engines, virus scanners, or the ability to use a new file type such as a new video format.


Polygon count: The polygon count refers to the number of polygons being rendered per frame. The higher the number of polygons in a model the more detailed it is, but it takes up more memory and is harder to run.
File size: The amount of data inside a file. The more detailed the model, the higher the file size. If a file is large it is going to be difficult to store and move between devices.
Rendering time: The time it takes to generate an image from a 2D or 3D model.

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Link to all the assignments

Unit 22 and 72 : 

Assignment 1:

Visual Style in Video Games:

Ethics in Video Games :

Video Game Genres:

Video Game Concept:

Assignment 2:

Maths Maze game part 1:

part 2:

part 3:

part 4:

Platform game progress:

part 1:

part 2:

part 3:

Unit 20:

Assignment 1: Game Platform Types

Assignment 2: Console Setup

Assignment 3: Mobile and Web Based Gaming
Link to Windows Version:

Link to Android Version:

Link to HTML project file:

Unit 74:

Assignment 1:
Paper Copy

Assignment 2:
Paper Copy + demo link:
Story Board link:

Game's Concepts week 4

Game's Concepts
A game concept is in depth outline of everything that will be included in a game. There will be a brief introduction that explains what the game is about and highlights the important aspects of the games creation. An example of a short introduction would be; Laser Fight is an FPS game for the xbox 360 where players have to fight hordes of aliens with a extensive arsenal of laser weaponry. More detail could be used to make concepts very clear but the introduction should be kept short and concise so as to convey the concept simply and easily. The game concept should then include a more detailed description of the gameplay in a few paragraphs. It should outline all of the core gameplay mechanics to the reader as if they are playing the game. The game concept should then talk about the key components of the game that will set the game apart from other products and prioritse which parts of the production are most important. This will heavily affect the production of the game because when working to a deadline certain parts may have to be cut, whereas other parts may need more attention and time than others. Finally the game concept should outline the genre of the game and the platform(s) the game will be developed for and any concept art or additional material can be included here.
My Game's Concept
My game that currently does not have a name is a 2D platform/beat 'em up game where the player controls the hero "Radioactive Man" who must fight hordes of enemies, in a beat 'em up style, to save the world from the evil master hippie "Earth Flower". The game is set in a dystopian industrial universe and will be developed in Game Maker for the PC.
The game will feature several levels and stages where the gameplay will vary between a platforming and beat 'em up. The early levels will consist of a power plant scene where the hero will have to fight small groups of radioactive sludge enemies before progressing to the next section. Later levels will feature platforming segments where the player must run away from a radioactive tidal wave from the left side of the screen while navigating tricky platforms and enemies trying to stop them.
The beat 'em up sections will feature a basic combat system where the player fights groups of enemies trying to build up combos to then unleash more powerful special moves. In some sections there will be a group of enemies that the player must defeat to progress to the next section. I hope to add a level of complexity to the combat by unlocking new moves as the player progresses through the game.(Guacamelee) There could also be jumping puzzles or interactive objects that contribute to slower puzzles that add a level of variety to the gameplay.

Because this game is centred around a superhero theme and is likely going to be a platformer/beat 'em up I will mainly be targeting the game towards teenage to adult males as I feel both these things attract more of this demographic than any other. The game will feature moments of humour and immaturity that will be aimed towards this demographic. I hope to suit the characters personalities towards this audience as I have chosen very comical characters for both my protagonist and antagonist. It will be aimed more towards the "nerd" culture that enjoys things such as Doctor Who. Doctor Who is a good example of a show that mixes fantasy with comedic and witty writing.

I am making this game because I firmly believe that this is the kind of game, a semi casual gamer who enjoys platformers and beat 'em ups, would enjoy. I aim to make the game fun and charming with intrinsically enjoyable gameplay. I want players to be able to finish the game in a few short hours so it is an experience that is easily sharable with others. If I was to sell this game I would probably price the game around £8-£10 so it is an affordable fun experience.

For this game I could probably make it in Game Maker but if I wanted to add functionality that Game Maker doesn't have then other software would be needed. I would create all the sprites and sounds myself with software such as Audacity and Adobe Illustrator. I would most likely need to outsource to a freelancers for music and complex artwork if needed.

Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Unit 20: Computer Game Platforms and Technologies Assignment 2

Assessment 2: Console Setup
Nintendo Wii
(from left to right) Nintendo Wii, AV cable, Power cable, Sensor bar.
The Audio Visual cable outputs the audio and video to the TV screen. The Power cable connects the console to the mains electricity. The Sensor bar interacts with the controllers wirelessly to allow the player to control the game.

Nintendo Wii controller with "Nunchuk" attachment. The Nunchuk attachment is used in mostly used with games that require a second style of movement because it features an analogue joystick. The basic Wii remote features two menu buttons, a plus and minus button, a home button, A button, directional pad, power button and B trigger button located on the back of the remote. The Nunchuk attachment adds 

Sensor bar input (left) AV output (right) Power input (bottom)

The AV cable uses a SCART adapter to interface with the TV.

Sensor Bar

Power light set on standby

Power button pressed and changed to green to show it is on. Eject button (bottom) pressed to eject disk.

Insert the disc you want to play with.

Change the TV extension to the appropriate number and use the controller to navigate the menu. When initially setting up the Wii the player has to press the 1 button and the 2 button at the same time and wait for the controller to connect. After this the player must also perform controller calibration. This involves pointing the controller at various areas of the TV screen and pressing the A button. You may also tune your audio and visual settings in the system menu.

Playstation 2
from left to right AV cable, Power cable, 8MB memory card, PlayStation 2 console, Dualshock 2 controller.

(red) Controller ports, (blue) Memory card slots, yellow (USB slots). Also note the disc tray is open and a disc is inserted.

(left to right) Ethernet port, Digital output, AV output, Power input.

Blue button in the middle of the console is the disc eject button. The green button that is currently glowing red is the power/reset button. It glows red when it is in standby mode.

Once pressed it will go green and the console will boot up.

Happy Gaming. The DualShock 2 controller was one of successor to one of the most influential controllers of all time. It added joysticks to the already popular DualShock 1. It features two analogue joysticks which also functioned as buttons, four directional buttons, a select button, a start button, an analogue mode button, four face buttons and four shoulder buttons.
 To open the system menu you must boot up the console without a disc inside.
This is where you can browse your saved data on your memory card or you can change settings such as screen position, data and time, etc. The system does not have any built-in system memory so to save your games on the system you need a memory card. There are lots of different sizes of memory card but the most common one is a black 8MB memory card that was shown in one of the previous pictures.
Here are some examples of PlayStation 2 games.

The beautiful N64 in all its glory! (from left to right) N64 console, AV cable, Power cable, (below) Controllers.
(red) Controller ports, (yellow) Power switch, (blue) Reset button, (purple) Game cartridge slot.

(left) AV output, (right) Power input.

All connected up.

AV + SCART adapter in the back of the TV.

Game cartridge in. Flick the power switch on.

Game away!

The N64 has a famously unusual controller. It has three prongs that the player can use to hold on to. Most games were played with the joystick, which is in the centre. This meant that the player would have to hold the middle prong with their left hand and the right prong with their right hand. It's rather uncomfortable by today's standards. It features directional buttons, a joystick, a start button, two main action buttons, four extra face buttons and two shoulder buttons.

Some examples of N64 games. The famous Banjo Kazooie, Super Mario 64, Turok and Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

Playstation 3
(from left to right) PS3 console, controller cable, HDMI cable, power cable. The HDMI cable is much like the standard Audio Visual cable except that HDMI cables allow for 1080p full HD while the AV cable is limited to 720p or 1080i.

USB ports. These are where the controller cable is plugged in and links the controller to the PS3.

Similar to the PS2 the eject button is in the middle and the power/reset button is on the right.

GTA V Disc being inserted into the console.

(from left to right) ethernet cable port, HDMI output, digital output, AV multi-out, power cable slot.

HDMI cable into the HDMI slot on the TV.

Red light means it is in standby mode.

Pressing the button turns the light green and starts up the console.
Alternatively you can start the console by pressing the PS button on the controller (centre). The DualShock 3 is very much like the DualShock 2 except that is has the PS button used for bringing up the system menu and changes the L2 and R2 buttons to analogue triggers which can be held down at variable pressures to affect gameplay. Previously in the Dualshock 2 the L2 and R2 buttons were digital and could either be only on or off.

When initially connecting the controller or charging it, you must connect it via the controller connection cable.

After pressing the PS button (centre) the controller lights will flash and then stop at a steady colour.

It is then that you can unplug the connection cable and play using the wireless controller. You must re-connect the cable whenever the controller requires charging.

Game on!

In the system interface there are many different settings that can be changed to suit your video and sound set up. These are things such as video resolution, screen position, internet network settings. You can also browse your installed games, photos, music, films and media applications such as Netflix and 4OD.

I use a fairly simple sound set-up but there are options for surround sound in the sound settings menu.

To turn off the console, hold either the PS button on your controller and select turn off system or hold the power button on the console itself.

Nintendo DS

The power switch and the stylus used to control the Nintendo DS.

In the middle is the DS game slot and below that is the charger cable port.

Volume control (left). Headphone output (right)

This is the Game Boy Advance games slot that features backwards compatibility with games from the previous Nintendo handheld, the Game Boy Advance.

When the power switch is flicked on this screen boots up and asks you whether you want to play the game in the DS slot, the GBA slot or use the Pictochat feature or DS Download feature. You can also change settings here by pressing on the options tab at the bottom of the screen.

When the battery gets low the power light goes to red. You should then plug in the console to a mains outlet. The orange charging light will come on to indicate that it is charging.

ASUS X550c
(above) charger cable. (below) ASUS X550c laptop.
(from left to right) VGA port, HDMI port, ethernet cable port/LAN, USB ports, headphone jack. A VGA port transfers video information without audio so you can use a separate monitor should you wish it. The HDMI port has the same function but it also transfers audio and allows for 1080p or full HD video.

Keyboard, scroll pad and power button (top left).

CD disc drive for software or media.

After pressing the power button and typing in the password I am greeted by the Windows 8 start-up screen.

After turning the computer on I found that the only game installed on here was Minesweeper.

However you can download and install games from an online marketplace such as this one or you can install directly from a CD disc. You can also change visual and audio settings by using the control panel. The control panel on Windows 7 is easily accessed from the start menu and it allows the user to change a multitude of options such as display options, audio options, network settings, devices and printers, power usage, etc. 

Turning off the console.


Custom Built: ASUS Motherboard, Six-Core AMD Processor, 2GB AMD Radeon Graphics Card
(from left to right) Ethernet cable, power cable, PC, power bar.

Monitor with power cable (left) and VGA cable to connect the video output of the PC to the monitor.

Wireless Perixx keyboard with wireless emitter and Razer Deathadder gaming mouse.

Accessories: (top left) Philips speakers, (top right) Xbox controller, (bottom left) TurtleBeach EarForce P11 headphones, (bottom right) USB CD Disc reader.
Front of the PC. These are various types of card readers and the power button.

At the top are an audio output, microphone input and two USB 2.0 ports.

The power switch and the power cable plug.

(purple) keyboard port, (green) mouse port, 8 USB ports, Ethernet port/LAN, (red) microphone input, (green) audio output, (blue) audio input. (at the bottom, from left to right) VGA port, HDMI ports.

On the back of the monitor. (left) power port, (right) VGA input.

VGA cable connected and screwed it to ensure it doesn't diconnect.

Power cables plugged in and connected via a power bar to the mains outlet.

Plugging in mouse and keyboard into the USB ports.
Mouse and keyboard set up.

My PC uses an Ethernet cable rather than wireless internet. Wireless internet connection requires a wireless adapter which is usually built into the PC, but there are also USB wireless adapters. Ethernet cable in.

And into the Broadband Router.

Headphones plugged into the USB slot and the audio output.

Make sure that the power switch is turned on.

Press the power button.

The log-in screen. Enter the password and we are in.

Changing the sound system to speakers. First plug in the power cable of the speakers into the mains.

Replace the headphone cords with the speaker audio output.

Press the power button and adjust the volume accordingly.

The ASUS audio configuration menu automatically opens. Select which device you have plugged in.

Any audio settings can be changed in this menu and you can also test to see if a device is working properly.

To change display settings on my PC you must open the AMD Catalyst Control Center. This is because my PC uses AMD graphics card. Here you can change things like screen brightness, colour palette, etc. You can also change the various other settings associated with computers that are located in the control panel. My PC uses Windows 7 so the control panel is easily accessed from the start menu.

Games can be installed directly from a CD or they can be purchased and download via the internet through online marketplaces. There are many online marketplaces but three of the more popular ones are: Origin (Electronic Arts)
Steam (Valve)
Uplay (Ubisoft)

This is a clip of me booting up a game called Invisible Inc. It was bought and downloaded from the Steam online marketplace.