Thursday 12 March 2015

Abigail - Developer Diary - 12/03/2015

I have been working on a game for around a month that I have decided to call Abigail. Where to begin?
Some of the features, other than the basics, that I have created so far are as follows:

  • Health and Mana 
  • Fireball ability + triple fireball ability
  • 3 different enemy types controlled by a random spawner:
  • Charging enemy
  • Armoured Charging enemy that throws a javelin
  • Wizard enemy
At the moment the combat is fun and engaging (for me, at least) and there is a big emphasis on dodging an enemy's attacks.
Fireballs are aimed using the mouse and will stun the enemies briefly. The enemy's charge attack stores the player's position when it gets in range and charges for this fixed position. This gives the player a small window to dodge out of the way of the attack. 

Even without any special abilities that I have yet to make, the combat is a lot of fun and I look forward to adding cool features like the "Shadow Step" in the future. Think Dishonored's Blink ability on a 2D plane.

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