Monday 17 November 2014

Copyright and Libel exercise-Josh

Level 3
Extended Diploma in Games Design
Unit 78 Digital Graphics for Computer Games
Handed out on the 5th November 2014
Unit 78 - Exercises
1.       Complete and upload to blogger ANY artwork which you have created for a computer game(s).

2.       Legal & Ethical Considerations
Research and answer the following questions.
What is copyright law?
Copyright is a legal right, created by the law of a country, that grants the creator of an original work exclusive rights to its use and distribution, usually for a limited time, with the intention of enabling the creator to receive compensation for their intellectual effort.
What is Libel?
Libel is false statements made by a party that harm or tarnish the reputation of others. It is often known as written defamation. Slander is the same as Libel except Slander is through spoken word and Libel is written. Because of this Libel often occurs through media such as newspaper articles, biographies, e.t.c.
How are female characters represented in Games?
Female characters in video games are often poorly represented. Most depictions of women in video games are that of the damsel in distress or with some romantic plot purpose. There are very few games that feature women as the protagonist of the story and there are even fewer realistic depictions of a tough non-sexualised female lead. Fighting games such as Tekken and Dead or Alive show the sexualisation of women in video games.
There are however some good representations of women in video games. The new Tomb Raider game shows more human qualities of the protagonist Lara Croft and The Last of Us has Ellie, a teenage girl, who is one of the central characters who you play as, at one point. Both these games give their female characters strong well rounded personalities.

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