Tuesday 4 November 2014

Maths Maze Game Assignment Progress Week 2

Game Design Doc

Week 2 Lesson 1 November 3rd:

By the end of this lesson I aim to have finished many of the sprites that I will use in game. I have currently completed the main character sprite and so the priority for this lesson will be enemy sprites and walls and environment sprites. I have managed to create a decent wall sprite and a detailed enemy sprite. I spent around the entire lesson of three hours on creating the enemy sprite. My focus is to create exciting and interesting main character and enemy sprites to engage and immerse the player.

Here is a screenshot of some of my sprite creation, it is the sprite of a cyborg teacher. Here you can see I used shapes to form a basis for the design and then used brushes to build up some colour and shading for each part. I made each part of the sprite individually so that I can modify them at will and this will also help with animation so that I can edit parts of the sprite without having to create a whole new one.

I created a basic wall sprite that can be used as a basis for any other wall sprites that I want to use. I then created neon coloured wall sprites that set the scene of a futuristic school with such things as cyborgs and robots.

The enemy cyborg teacher sprite as I am making it and when it is complete (below)

Wall sprites (below) basic wall, neon wall green, neon wall green (flipped) You can see how the two green walls would interlink together creating a pattern. This was intended to appear as if some sort of power supply is running through the walls. 
Below are some images I used for inspiration for my enemy teacher sprite. You can see the likeness to the teacher with the moustache.

Week 2 Lessons 2 & 3 November 4th & 5th:
For these shorter lessons I am continuing on with creating sprites. I have nearly created all the sprites that I need for the enemies and characters. If I have more time left over in later stages I will create boss sprites for boss levels, but my main priority is to create a working game with some attractive sprites first. I first re-skinned my enemy sprite to create a similar sprite that was easy and quick to make but adds some variety in enemy type. I did this by adjusting proportions and changing certain features and changing the colours of the sprite. This has saved lots of time than if I created a whole new sprite. (Below) The Enemy Sprite (Alternate Skin)

This is the process of me drawing a sprite. The sprite is a corner wall part that is meant to resemble a tesla coil.

As you can see I start by drawing a basic outline for the bulb part and the nucleus part. It is intended to look like a tesla coil which I will add detail in later. At this point I actually lost my work. I saved my work in a different file by accident and could not find which file I had saved it to. This meant that I had to start again on this design and wasted valuable time that could be used in Game Maker.
I then added in some detail to make it look like the electrical energy moving through the sphere. I then grouped together everything I had done and made it slightly transparent to give the impression that the it is behind glass.
Next I added an extra layer for the outline and some glare effects on the glass to make it look more 3D and realistic.



I then created a base for the design with a lightning bolt on it. This is to signify that in game this sprite will be used to shoot lightning bolts around the level that the player must avoid. They will look much like the lightning bolt on the base.

Finally I added some more colour to the sprite with grey in the box and blue and red microchips. This sprite is now complete and can be put into Game Maker.

I then copied and scaled up the lightning bolt to create a separate sprite that will serve as the lightning that jumps between tesla coils.

Here are any leftover sprites that I created for the game.

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