Tuesday 9 December 2014

Platform Game Progress Week 2

By the end of this week I aim to to have completed all of my sprites for the platform game and also complete some of the backgrounds for my levels. I will then try and implement these sprites and backgrounds in a prototype level to check if all the dimensions of the images and the level are appropriate. The part of development that is taking the most time and effort is the running animation of the main character. Because of the slightly front on perspective I have to re-draw every single frame of animation and it is taking a long time to create.

I first started with a concept drawing that I drew on paper with a pencil and coloured pencils. This gave me the basic idea for the main character Max.

I then created a concept drawing for the main character sprite in Adobe Illustrator.
I then draw out each individual frame of animation without colour to get an idea for how the animation would look. These are some examples of what the animation frames look like.

I then coloured and shaded all the sprites would took about 3 hours of my time. Here is the entire set of animations that I created.

This is a video of the full animation cycle.


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