Wednesday 21 January 2015

Platform Game Progress Week 3

By the end of this week I aim to have finished off all the animations for the enemy characters and created at least the first level of my game. The animations take a lot of time and effort to do but they have to be completed before I can start constructing my levels. Therefore I have decided to only do very simple animation sprites and try to get them done very quickly so I can focus on my level design.

I completed an animation cycle for if the main character falls into a toxic waste pit. I did this by programming the pit so that when it collides with the main character, it destroys the main character object. It then starts an animation sequence that shows the main character drowning in the toxic waste. I then used a timeline to restart the room after the animation plays through once.

This is the animation sequence for the toxic waste pit.

This is the Game Maker code for the object Sludge Pit.

These are the sprites for the Sludge Enemy object

These are the sprites for the Radiation Crystal collectable object.

These are the background sprites for the game.

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